Taranaki Equestrian Facilities Plan - TEFP Due to TEN's long-time advocacy for equestrians, the TEFP was born in Feb 2024. An incredible document and great read, it creates a facilities vision for the next 50 years, both built and natural like forests and beaches. It's the first of it's kind in Aotearoa NZ. Sport NZ and ESNZ will be creating Plans like ours around the motu. See the link to the TEFP on our Home Page. District Equestrian Park in New Plymouth - DEP A priority project, given the tenure uncertainties for two key pony club grounds in North Taranaki, is for the development of a DEP for potential relocation of those clubs. The TEFP recognised that a covered arena is much needed to give certainty when running local events, rallies and clinics. Colson Road is the proposed site and NPDC is supportive. TEN along with many equestrian groups is pushing hard for this to happen. Stratford Equine Park is progressing and the land is open for bridle trails. Their plans for new equestrian grounds on the south side of Flint Road are being enthusiastically driven forward by the organisers and updates can be seen on their facebook page. Taranaki Tracks and Trails Group This is a partnership of Sport Taranaki ,and the Regional and District Councils of Taranaki. TEN has promoted horse riding and trail sharing to this Group. Any trails with good lines of sight and wide enough for a walker/cyclist to pass a horse, will be in TENs line of sight. Mangamahoe Forest - Bridle Zone This is a 130ha council-owned forest on the outskirts of New Plymouth where horse-riders have priority and cyclists are banned. TEN continually upgrades the tracks and liaises with Council to keep it safe. We fundraise to grade and spray to keep it beautiful and would love your help with this. We'd love to develop the BZ even further. Imagine a covered seating area in the carpark where you could socialise with friends after your ride? Watch this space... Balsom Park, Mangorei Road, New Plymouth Equestrians living in this area are now able to ride in the beautiful Balsom Park reserve, as long as they can ride to the park itself. Dinky Wynyard (021 166 9910) is the Balsom Park coordinator. Keys are sold for an annual sub of $25 and initial bond of $30. Subs are due on 1 November each year.