North Taranaki beach riding areas and times: Horses are not allowed to be ridden: Ngamotu Beach (includes the reserve, beach and playground area) at all times. East End Beach to Fitzroy Beach (including the foreshore and beach area located between the Te Henui river mouth to the west and Waiwhakaiho river mouth to the east) from 9am to 6pm daily during daylight savings. Ōākura Beach (including the foreshore and beach area located between Ahu Ahu Road to the west and the Ōākura river mouth to the east) from 9am to 6pm daily during daylight savings.
Riding bylaws for NP District
The riding bylaws applying to horses are contained within the 'Public Places' section of NPDC Bylaw 2008 (as amended & re-adopted September 2014). Restricted activities – Horses on beaches 27.1 The Council may by resolution specify (and detail as an appendix to the bylaw) any beach or part of a beach, and the days and times during which horses are prohibited on beaches in the district. 27.2 The Council may by resolution subsequently amend or revoke any resolution made under clause 27.1. 27.3 No person may allow a horse to be on any part of a beach, unless prohibited under 27.1, unless: a) The person complies with the times and dates specified in that resolution; or b) That person has obtained the prior approval of an authorised officer, such approval being subject to any terms and conditions which the authorised officer thinks fit and any requirements of the Taranaki Regional Council; or c) That person is leading the horse through the beach for the sole purpose of gaining access to another beach where horses are permitted. Such rules shall be enforceable under this part.
Restricted activities – animals 30.1 No person, being the owner or having the care, custody or control of any animal, may: a) Tether or otherwise put, or place, any animal for the purpose of vegetation control or grazing on any public place, except: i) With the prior approval of the Council; or ii) On any public place for which a current grazing lease has been issued by the Council; or b) Break in, train, show, clean, shoe, dress, or expose for hire or sale any animal on any public place, except where a lease permitting those activities has been issued by the Council, or as provided under the New Plymouth Recreation and Racecourse Reserve Act 1999; or c) Cause or allow any animal, except for any cats or dogs, to be led, ridden, or driven upon, across, or along any footpath grass verge, berm or flower bed laid out on any public place except in an area which has been designated by official Council signage (if any).
Animals in public places 30.2 Any person permitted to graze animals on any public place under clause 30.1(a) must comply with the following conditions: a) In the case of animals being grazed on the roadside or berms, grazing may only be carried out directly adjacent to the property owned by or under the control of such person or adjacent to the property of another person where prior permission has been granted by that other person; and b) That all reasonable precautions are taken to ensure the safety of any persons or traffic using any road or public place. Animals should be secured behind an effective fence constructed to ensure that animals cannot wander or cause a public safety hazard in the opinion of an authorised officer; and c) That the person permitted to graze the animals accepts full responsibility and liability for the animals. 30.3 Any person permitted to drive or ride any animal within any public place under clause 31.1(c) must not do so in such a manner so as to: a) Cause damage to the surface or to any part of a public place; or b) Permit any injury or obstruction to the public. 30.4 No person shall ride or lead a horse on the New Plymouth Coastal Walkway, except at an approved crossing. Horses on coastal walkway 18 New Plymouth District Council Bylaw 2008 31.
Prohibited activities – animals 31.1 No person, being the owner or having the care, custody or control of any animal: a) Shall allow the animal to wander or be at large without proper guidance and control on any public place. b) Shall ride or swim any such animal on or from any part of any beach such that in the opinion of an authorised officer, a nuisance, danger or inconvenience is or may be created for other users of the beach. c) Allow any dangerous animal likely to cause a hazard to the public to stand on any public place unless properly and securely controlled. d) Shall fail to remove defecations from any animal (except a horse) immediately on a public place. e) Shall fail to remove defecations from a horse on any public place within a reasonable time being no longer than 2 hours after the defecation has taken place. f) Shall fail to immediately remove defecations from a horse in any public place if it is around or near the vehicle it was transported in. g) Clauses 31.1(d) and (e) do not apply to defecations deposited at a composting site in a public place that has been approved by an authorised officer.